Archive for March, 2014

Intro {Poetic}:
They say the laws of physics are never invented…
Principles of uncertainty beckon me to wonder what is real and what is theory…?
The mechanics of time and space have long been debated and weighted by great minds who seem at a loss for how and why…?
What guides these loose strings of time…?
What is their relation to life…?
Should we even think in such terms…?
What about the beauty…?

Time’s fine twine is in tatters now, but beauty is still profound…
Notice the strings as they come unbound from the vacuum of supposed non-sounds…
Collisions of particles bound by atomic clouds…
Primordial crowns that pulsate through the night…
Imagine the Divine Might behind this show of lights…

Where the lines drawn between energy and matter no longer matter….
Particles scatter…
And the double helix ladders that make up us…
Have the imprints of a Higher Being that can’t be seen…
Yet Whose grace can be observed…
Perhaps the very words of our Holy Books and Hadeeths can shed light upon these mysteries…
My belief…Every single soul has been imbued with the power of love and ability to spread peace…

I notice that through all this organized chaos, speaks a form of speech that transcends any weak bonds from those wrinkles in time…
The beauty of The Divine is part of the very twine which we try to endlessly define…
No matter how the lines and equations shall be drawn, I’ll always find a reason to pause..
Just an individual soul…Reflecting on the majesty bestowed upon all of us…


Imagine a world where all infants survive…
To see the age of five…
Where no one is no longer deprived…
Of their right to life…
Imagine that kid mixing sand and sticks…
Gets that chance to become something big…
A scientist?
A teacher?
Or a just living sibling…
Humans kindling beautiful thoughts and dreams…
No more nightmares…
For now life has now become fair…


Posted: March 6, 2014 in Poetry
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Instruments transcend barriers brought on by languages…
The power of an assemblage of strings to imprint thought processess…
That words could never completely define…
Let the symbols testify…
The life lived lies…
Sounds, sights, smells…
Scribed through smiles…
Sulks, sobs, sighs…

That’s the power within instruments…
Can only carry emotion so far…
For I found the other five senses…
When meld with thought…
Teach us the greatest of all lessons…
Through the pensive times…
Pondering what each key and nth degree means…
Concede that we are not all that we speak…