Archive for August, 2019

Intro: A continuation of the story…

Mystical Prayers I –

Mystical Prayers II –

Mystical Prayers III –

Please breathe…
I beg you please…
Between III and IV…
A story so foretold…
Through this very last note..

“To all around me”

I just couldn’t do it anymore…
I couldn’t live. knowing no one cares…
Not you (private)…
You (private)…
You (private)…
or You (private)…
Ignored by all…
From the skies to the ground…
No sounds…
My prayers went unanswered…
While all around I see happiness…
Where is my happily ever after…?

Who wrote this story…
Me beginning to end…
Filled with nothing…
Nothing to show…
No one to show…
Nothing more to know…
Goodbye all…

Yet you still breathe…
Some spirit within me…
Still believes…
Feel my pulse…
It beats for you…
Do not leave…

How could I have not seen…
How you’ve struggled so greatly…
I ask You…
Oh Higher Power…
Why didn’t you give me a sign!?
To see this struggle in plain sight!
I can’t bear to see you die..
You are worth the world…
Please believe…
Please pray…

How do you justify taking a life?

On trial…
Where we commodify her right to be and she…
Indeed no one cares when that zygote sans sperm expels…
Oh do tell her how you care…
As you watch her bear the costs for being she…